Sunday, September 18, 2011

I want to break up my mom's new can I?

My mom treated my dad like absolute crap the entire time they were married--calling him names like "nasty old goat" and "filthy pig," smashing his things with a baseball bat, screaming and cussing at him in public, arguing with him for hours, making him sleep in another room and buy his own food...My sister had her 5th birthday, and he was not allowed to come to the party! Another time, she didn't like the food he brought home with the money HE worked for--so she took it all to an vacant parking lot, opened all up, and threw it all over the ground! Then another time we were on a road trip--he was driving and we got lost. She got pissed at him since I guess his brain is supposed to be an electronic map, so she grabbed his hand off the steering wheel and bit it, leaving a deep gash requiring stitches. Eventually, he left.

Now she's dating another man--I want to warn him what he's getting himself into! I know I would appreciate that! Should I tell him, or just mind my own business?|||i dont even know where to begin there, in my opinion i would forget about breaking up your mom and start looking out for you and your lil sis.. i would actually call your dad and tell him how you feel and make steps to go live with him. or another family memeber. good luck and watch out for your sister|||I'd hurt her if she tried to bite me while I was driving ! MYOB....she will get hers....she will meet her match. Don't seek revenge. I agree with lizzy...Your mom needs therapy.....and VALIUM.|||TELL THE GUY!! No offense but your mom needs counseling!!!!!!!|||I would concentrate more on getting your Mom some help. She sounds like she is bipolar or something or just needs some counseling. As adults, there probably isnt much you can do about her new relationship. She is going to do what she wants anyway and he probably won't listen. Talk to a friend of the family, relative, clergyman. Seriously your Mom needs help. Maybe you can go live with your Dad. Again, talk to social services or your school or close family member or friend(adult)

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