Hey there. I'm collecting awesome people for my international group I'm creating. We are nearly full and only need about 4 more girls ...
Our group's aim:
1. To have fun with everyone in the group !
2. Talking about music ! [ We got 4 Nightcore artists including me it's 5 ]
3. The most important part is that we will play a game together.
If you want to join us. you need to contact me . the ways to contact me are bellow:
Hotmail [ Windows live messenger or MSN or Yahoo] : XxNighterxX@hotmail.com
I recommend windows live messenger ^^
We only let the most awesome people to join .
The game we are going to play is a MMOTPS Game [ Massive Multiplayer Online Third Person Shooter Game ] . It's the future electronic sport game , The graphic is modern and in anime style..
Story of the game : You are a student who seeks freedom . you meet with other people and friends in a modern world and encounter enemies as well. Later on you get to work on your skills . you fight to get popular around the world and enter clan wars %26amp; world wide tournaments but only if you are on of the best in your nation.
There are 5 modes which u can play..
Though we will not use shooting ! As the game has the feature of close combat ( Melee ) where you fight with swords ( Plasma Sword - Counter Sword - Storm Bat - Stealth Dagger ) our pros will train you including me !
Here are some videos to check how the game is like:
1. The official Trailer [ Not game play but very similar to it ]:
2. A video of a Pro in TD Mode [ Touch Down - Capture Fumbi ]:
3. A video of a semi pro fighting in DM mode [ Death Match - Fighting ] :
4. A video of jumps which look easy but are very hard to learn [ Jumps - Speed ] :
The Requirements To Join :
1. You got to be between the age of 13 to 20 !
2. You gotta know how to talk English.
3. You shouldn't be a b***h.
If you want to join us. you need to contact me . the ways to contact me are bellow:
Hotmail [ Windows live messenger or MSN or Yahoo] : XxNighterxX@hotmail.com
I recommend windows live messenger ^^
The Minimum PC Requirements :
2,00 GB Ram [ Memory Card ]
512 MB VGA [ Virtual Memory Card ]
More Informations about the game :
The game modes :
Touch Down(TD)
two goals are set up on either side of a field. The player must grab the ball called a "Fumbi" and take it to the opposite team's goal in order to score a Touchdown. The Fumbi also quickly drains the SP of the player holding it, which results in the use of skills being disabled until the Fumbi is dropped or the character dies. Passing through a gate or falling off the map will "reset" the Fumbi, which returns it to the starting position. There are 7 maps.
Death Match (DM):
places up to six people on each team, and has the player fight for a set amount of points or until the time runs out. There are six maps.
Battle Royal (BR)
consisting of Free For All - Death Match. Where every player fends for themself. There are no teams, and no limits. Places up to 12 players up against one another to fight for a set amount of points or until the time runs out. A target also appears on the highest scoring player as the match progresses. The player that kills the marked player is rewarded with more points for the kill. There are only two maps
one player is chosen randomly to become the Chaser. The Chasers objective is to dominate the survivors in the given time, or survive if the survivors are too powerful, which is unlikely since the Chaser receives a huge attack and defense bonus, and reload time is shortened. The Chaser is also limited, since the Chaser Doll is blocking part of the visible area, and the survivors are outlined in red and black from his/her eyes. The players who are not chosen as the Chaser are the survivors. Their objective is to either kill the Chaser or survive in the time given. When enough attack power is implied on the Chaser,measured by a bar, the player receives 2 bonus points. While in a round, the player who is in 1st place and is not the Chaser is the "Target". The Target will always have visible cross-hairs which can be seen as long as the target is in your viewing screen. If the Target is killed, the Chaser receives double points and the next player on the ranking list is the Target as long as he/she's alive. There are also damage rankings, which are awarded to players if they either harm the Chaser enough with ranged or close-ranged weapons. Damage rankings give off bonus EXP at the end of the match. There are 4 maps and one more in Korean S4 League.
Where you fight in a story like mode against bots [ non-players ] to acchieve your goal ..
I hope all of the girls who read this to|||why cant guys join
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