Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Folks revelation is happening just now. you dont believe?


Jesus will save Israel from its ennemies.Jesus will save Israel when it will be next to disappear from the map.Jerusalem enclosed and the anti-Christ already seat in the temple in the holy of the Holies saying that he is Jesus and after had already killed near all the Jews only surviving 144000 .

It s possible that Iran has already the nuclear bomb.

get out of Israel.


Israel will attack the Iran 's nuclear installations and will start a fast war with nuclear explosions .a man will appear and will do an agreement between Arabs and Israeli and will have a 7 years government. Jews will think he is the messiah and will even build the 3rd temple he will impose the mark (electronic chip) without anyone can buy or sell .at the 7 years middle he will show his true face and orthodox Jews will see that the were deceived .from there he will start the worst genocide that have already happen, before that the true believers will be raptured .|||First, the Book of the Revelation is not in code. John was probably just seeing some things that had no basis for reality in his day and could only describe them within his perspective. It makes it a bit more complicated, but not any less understandable than any other book of the Bible.

Second, the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation will be marked by several things, most notably the rapture of the church (true born-again Christians) and a time of world peace. Last I checked, neither of those things has happened.

No man knows the day or the hour. We're just told to be ready when Christ returns.|||Revelations is one of the most misunderstood books of the bible. Revelations was written when persecution of the Christians was beginning, the whole thing is written if you will in a code, since one wouldn't want a jesus faith document falling into the wrong hands and be used against the enclaves of new christians. It doesn't mean what it says literally.

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