Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Translate this in japanese?

going to japan this thxgiving

translate these things for me, please.

i dont mind if its all in kanji or japanese character, i plan to print the translation and show it to the japanese pplz in japan. i dont want it in romanji. thx

ive been watching some japanese videos.. is this true


can i go to a restaurant and eat and get a check or note and come back for a refund later?? can i do that?? has anyone tried??


bus stop

tourist info office

department stores

electronic stores

police station

station (trains/subways)

animation character goods shop (where u can buy things from final fantasy, and other anime toys)

discount store

duty free shop

100 yen shop

souvenir shops


animation character goods

electrical appliances

fast food restaurtants

sushi restaurants

also these phrases

can i ask u a question?

i dont speak japanese

is there someone who can speak english?

do u have a menu in eglish? (restaurant)

i'd like wat that person had ordered

i'd like a fork/spoon/knife

how much does this/it cost?

how much is the fare to X station?

i'd like a subway map

where do i have to change to get to X station?

does this bus/train stop at X?

can i pay this with this credit card?

its a little expensivie, can u give me a discount on this?

please add more phrases if u'd like.. im going to japan with my brother this holiday n i want to buy a lot of things there =)

thx|||Please don't answer questions you don't know, read before you answer my question!

And NO, you cannot do that, the video was made as a joke.

Also don't expect things to be cheap in Japan. The Dollar and Yen has almost the same value now.

Taxi タクシー

Bus stop バス停

Tourist information office 観光案内所

Department stores デパート

Electronic stores 電気機器店

Police station 警察

Station (trains/subways) 駅(電車/地下鉄)

Animation characters goods shop キャラクターグッズショップ

Discount store ディスカウントストア

Duty free shop 免税店

100 yen shop 百円ショップ/100円ショップ

Souvenir shop おみやげ品店

Books/magazine 本/雑誌

Animation character goods キャラクターグッズ

Electrical appliances 電化製品

Fast food restaurant ファーストフード店

Sushi restaurant 寿司屋

Can I ask you a question? お尋ねしたいのですが?

I don't speak Japanese. 日本語が話せません。

Is there someone who can speak English? 英悟のできる人はいますか?

Do you have a menu in English? 英悟のメニューはありますか?

I'd like what that person had ordered. あの人と同じものを下さい。

I'd like a fork/spoon/knife. フォーク/スプーン/ナイフを下さい。

How much does this/it cost? これ/それはいくらですか?

How much is the fare to X station? ~駅まで、料金はいくらですか?

I would like a subway map. 地下鉄の路線図を下さい。

Where do I have to change to get to X station? ~駅へ行くにはどこで乗り換えますか?

Can you tell me where X station is? ~駅はどこですか?

Can I pay this with this credit card? このクレジットカードで支払いができますか?

It's a little expensive, can you give me a discount on this? ちょっと高いです、安くして下さい。|||Who would refund MONEY !

The video is ALL JOKE !

 I did not watch the video, BUT HEARD.

As I wrote in japanese, it is exaggerated and funny.

%26gt;%26gt; do they really put their feet in people's plate?

 No! Not true!

%26gt;%26gt; do they really use dirty towels to wipe their faces?

 No! Not true!

%26gt;%26gt; can i go to a sushi shop...

 You are not frequenter, so you must pay in cash.


(1) ビデオに関して。





(2) 支払いに関して。

 I deleted this PART. 

(3) 和訳。

taxi ---  タクシー

bus stop --- バス停

tourist info office -- 旅行案内所

department stores -- デパート

electronic stores ---- 量販電機店

police station   ---- 警察署

station (trains)  ---- 駅

station (subways)---- 駅

animation character goods shop---- アニメキャラグッズショップ

discount store ---- 安売り店

duty free shop ---- 免税店

 100 yen shop  ---- 百円ショップ

souvenir shops ---- 土産物屋

books/mags  ---- 本/雑誌

animation character goods  ---- アニメキャラグッズ

electrical appliances --- 電機製品

fast food restaurtants --- ファーストフードレストラン

sushi restaurants --- 寿司屋

can i ask u a question?//ちょっときいてもいいですか。

i dont speak japanese//日本語を話せません。

is there someone who can speak english?//


do u have a menu in eglish?//英語のメニューはありますか。

i'd like what that person had ordered//


I'd like a fork/spoon/knife//


how much does this/it cost?//おいくらですか。

how much is the fare to X station?//


i'd like a subway map//地下鉄の地図を、お願いします。

where do i have to change to get to X station?//


does this bus/train stop at X?//


can i pay this with this credit card?//


its a little expensivie, can u give me a discount on this?//


(4) 追加。 東京では、まず無理です。定価が基本です。


(5) P.S. 安心して下さい。日本人は、6年間英語を学びます。



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