Friday, September 23, 2011

What is the most accurate map projection to make a globe out of?

I'm building an electronic project, and I need some help. Basically I'm going to divide a map projection into a grid, about 40x300. if any box is mostly land, on a separate grid I'm going to draw a 1. If not, I'll fill the 2nd grid with a 0. This turns a map into a grid of 1s and 0s, where the 1s basically represent the continents.

The electronics are hard to explain, but imagine a globe divided into the same 40x300 grid. The boxes at the top are smaller than the ones at the equator. I'm going to light up the boxes using LEDs and a micro controller, where they will be green on the 1s and blue on the 0s.

THUS, I need to know which map projection will turn into a grid that when mapped onto a globe in this odd manner will be most accurate. Thanks for your help, in advance.

PS the actual globe is a POV ring that spins, but explaining that complicates the answer too much and is too off topic. I'm looking for geography help, not engineering, you know?|||Since you have a grid that is 40 by 300, it will be narrow in one direction (40), and longer in the other direction (300). The Lambert Conformal Conic Projection is thus ideal for mapping states that are narrow north and south, but which extend long distances in an east-west direction. Some examples are Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The Lambert conformal conic projection uses a cone as its developable surface. A conformal projection preserves true angular relationships around points in a small region.

Hope this helps!

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